using .VariationalLearning
Language change: parameter exploration
Setting up
First, we load the module we have already written:
If VSCode complains about the module, remove the line module VariationalLearning
and the last end
statement from the source file VariationalLearning.jl
. Then load the contents of the file by simply issuing include("VariationalLearning.jl")
(without the using
We also need to load Plots to be able to do the visualizations:
using Plots
And we also need StatsBase for the mean
function, which we will use to calculate population averages:
using StatsBase
In the lecture, we noted that, in order to both carry out an interaction between two agents and summarize the population’s state over one time step, we had to use a begin ... end
block. Like this:
= [begin
history interact!(rand(pop), rand(pop))
end for t in 1:1_000_000]
Alternatively, we can wrap the contents of the block in a function, and then call that function. This leads to neater code for the array comprehensions later, so that’s the strategy I will follow in this solution. Accordingly, I define:
function average_p(x::Array{VariationalLearner})
return mean([a.p for a in x])
function step!(x::Array{VariationalLearner})
interact!(rand(x), rand(x))
return average_p(x)
Our goal in this exercise is to see what varying a number of model parameters does. Since the steps for running the simulation stay the same, it makes sense to define a function that takes the model parameters as arguments and then runs a whole simulation for a desired number of steps, returning the population’s history (defined as the sequence of average values of p
over time). So that we don’t get confused over which argument to this function represents which model parameter, I am going to use keyword arguments here. You can read more about them in this week’s lecture.
function simulate(; N, p, gamma, P1, P2, maxtime)
# initialize a population
= [VariationalLearner(p, gamma, P1, P2) for i in 1:N]
# step the population until maxtime
= [step!(pop) for t in 1:maxtime]
# return history
return history
I am also going to wrap my plotting code in a custom function, for similar reasons:
function my_plot(x)
plot(1:100:length(x), x[begin:100:end], label=false)
ylims!(0.0, 1.0)
my_plot (generic function with 1 method)
This function is set up so that we plot every 100th time step (otherwise there will be so much stuff to plot that both plotting and displaying the figures will be very slow). Additionally, the function sets the y-axis limits to 0 and 1.
Whenever there is something that needs to be repeated a number of times in your code, it is very probably a good idea to wrap that something in a function! The benefits are:
- You only need to write the function definition once
- Partly because of the above, you are less likely to make mistakes (compare alternative strategy: you copy-paste a block of code, then later decide that the code needs to be modified somehow, but forget to modify all instances of the same block of code)
- You can use arguments to modulate how the function does its thing
Make a habit of writing functions whenever the opportunity arises.
Unless otherwise noted, I am going to run each simulation for 100,000 steps, and set that with the following global variable:
= 100_000 maxt
Effect of N
(population size)
Population of 100 agents:
= simulate(N = 100, p = 0.1, gamma = 0.01, P1 = 0.4, P2 = 0.1, maxtime = maxt)
simu1 my_plot(simu1)
Population of 10 agents:
= simulate(N = 10, p = 0.1, gamma = 0.01, P1 = 0.4, P2 = 0.1, maxtime = maxt)
simu2 my_plot(simu2)
Observation: in both populations, the average of p
increases along an S-shaped curve. However, in the smaller population, this happens faster.
Effect of p
(initial value of p
All learners start with \(p = 0.5\):
= simulate(N = 50, p = 0.5, gamma = 0.01, P1 = 0.4, P2 = 0.1, maxtime = maxt)
simu3 my_plot(simu3)
All learners start with \(p = 0.8\):
= simulate(N = 50, p = 0.8, gamma = 0.01, P1 = 0.4, P2 = 0.1, maxtime = maxt)
simu4 my_plot(simu4)
Observation: in both cases, the average of p
increases over time. This behaviour does not seem dependent on the initial value of p
in the learners.
Effect of P1
and P2
(the amounts of evidence for grammars \(G_1\) and \(G_2\))
The values of P1
and P2
= simulate(N = 50, p = 0.1, gamma = 0.01, P1 = 0.1, P2 = 0.4, maxtime = maxt)
simu5 my_plot(simu5)
Starting from \(p = 0.9\):
= simulate(N = 50, p = 0.9, gamma = 0.01, P1 = 0.1, P2 = 0.4, maxtime = maxt)
simu6 my_plot(simu6)
Observation: average p
decreases. This makes sense, because now \(G_2\) has more evidence for it than \(G_1\) (P2 = 0.4
and P1 = 0.1
Effect of \(\gamma\) (learning rate)
Everybody with equal \(\gamma\)
Higher value of \(\gamma\):
= simulate(N = 50, p = 0.9, gamma = 0.1, P1 = 0.1, P2 = 0.4, maxtime = maxt)
simu7 my_plot(simu7)
Lower value:
= simulate(N = 50, p = 0.9, gamma = 0.001, P1 = 0.1, P2 = 0.4, maxtime = maxt)
simu8 my_plot(simu8)
Observation: higher \(\gamma\)s lead to faster change.
Random \(\gamma\)
New simulation function:
function simulate(; N, p, P1, P2, maxtime)
# initialize a population
= [VariationalLearner(p, rand(), P1, P2) for i in 1:N]
# step the population until maxtime
= [step!(pop) for t in 1:maxtime]
# return history
return history
Try it:
= simulate(N = 50, p = 0.9, P1 = 0.1, P2 = 0.4, maxtime = maxt)
simu9 my_plot(simu9)
Change is again faster, with some added noise (possibly?).