Simulations on social networks

Agent-based modelling, Konstanz, 2024

Henri Kauhanen

25 June 2024


  • Last time we learned about (social) networks
  • Today, we’ll learn how to interface Graphs.jl with Agents.jl
  • This allows ABM simulations on networks: our population of agents can now be structured in very interesting ways
  • We’ll also talk about how to gather statistics from simulation runs
  • For a concrete example, we will implement a simulation with variational learners on a social network without spatial effects


  • We will need the following packages today:
    • Agents
    • Graphs
    • Plots
    • Statistics
    • DataFrames
  • Now would be a good time to make sure you have all these installed
  • Code for today’s lecture: VL2.jl under “Bric-a-brac”

Catching errors

  • Before moving on, we need to discuss an important technicality
  • Sometimes, your code throws an error
    • For example, try: rand([])
    • This tries to draw a random element from an empty array, which of course won’t work
  • Often, you want to eliminate these errors
    • For example, make sure that you never use things like rand([])
  • Other times, they may be unavoidable, and need to be caught

Catching errors

  • For a concrete example, assume the network on the right
  • Suppose we want to obtain a random neighbour of a given node
  • If that node does have neighbours, then all is well
  • But if the node happens to have no neighbours, then we have a problem!
  • If we don’t want our code to crash, we need to catch the error
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Catching errors

  • Errors are caught using a try ... catch ... end block:
  println("Trying to draw from an empty container!")
Trying to draw from an empty container!
  • Here, Julia will try to execute everything found between the try and catch keywords
  • If an error is thrown, then it is caught and the stuff between the catch and end keywords is executed, without crashing

Catching errors

  • You can also leave the catch block empty, if you just want to continue silently!


  • Recall the 5 steps to define a model in Agents.jl:
    1. Decide on model space
    2. Define agent type(s)
    3. Define rules that evolve the model
    4. Initialize your model
    5. Evolve, visualize and collect data


  • Recall the 5 steps to define a model in Agents.jl:
    1. Decide on model space — we’ll use a graph
    2. Define agent type(s)
    3. Define rules that evolve the model
    4. Initialize your model
    5. Evolve, visualize and collect data


  • Recall the 5 steps to define a model in Agents.jl:
    1. Decide on model space — we’ll use a graph
    2. Define agent type(s) — reuse existing code, with small modifications
    3. Define rules that evolve the model
    4. Initialize your model
    5. Evolve, visualize and collect data


  • Recall the 5 steps to define a model in Agents.jl:
    1. Decide on model space — we’ll use a graph
    2. Define agent type(s) — reuse existing code, with small modifications
    3. Define rules that evolve the model — reuse, with small modifications
    4. Initialize your model
    5. Evolve, visualize and collect data


  • Recall the 5 steps to define a model in Agents.jl:
    1. Decide on model space — we’ll use a graph
    2. Define agent type(s) — reuse existing code, with small modifications
    3. Define rules that evolve the model — reuse, with small modifications
    4. Initialize your model — just like before
    5. Evolve, visualize and collect data


  • Recall the 5 steps to define a model in Agents.jl:
    1. Decide on model space — we’ll use a graph
    2. Define agent type(s) — reuse existing code, with small modifications
    3. Define rules that evolve the model — reuse, with small modifications
    4. Initialize your model — just like before
    5. Evolve, visualize and collect data — we’ll talk more about this


  • Recall the 5 steps to define a model in Agents.jl:
    1. Decide on model space — we’ll use a graph
    2. Define agent type(s) — reuse existing code, with small modifications
    3. Define rules that evolve the model — reuse, with small modifications
    4. Initialize your model — just like before
    5. Evolve, visualize and collect data — we’ll talk more about this

1. Space

dims = (10, 10)
space = GridSpace(dims)
  • Now, we use (for example):
G = erdos_renyi(100, 0.3)
space = GraphSpace(G)

2. Agent

  • Previously, we defined:
@agent struct GridVL(GridAgent{2}) <: VariationalLearner

2. Agent

  • We now add a new type:
@agent struct NetworkVL(GraphAgent) <: VariationalLearner

3. Rules

  • We previously used:
function VL_step!(agent, model)
  interlocutor = random_nearby_agent(agent, model)
  interact!(interlocutor, agent)
  • Here, random_nearby_agent returned the 8 agents surrounding agent in the GridSpace

3. Rules

  • random_nearby_agent also has a method for GraphSpaces
  • However, in a graph, an agent may be neighbourless!
  • We need to consider this, and so define:
function VL_step!(agent::NetworkVL, model)
    interlocutor = random_nearby_agent(agent, model)
    interact!(interlocutor, agent)

4. Initialize model

  • Previously, we used the following to initialize a model:
model = StandardABM(GridVL,
                    GridSpace((10, 10)),
                    agent_step! = VL_step!)

4. Initialize model

  • Now we do (for example):
model = StandardABM(NetworkVL,
                    GraphSpace(erdos_renyi(10, 0.5)),
                    agent_step! = VL_step!)

Putting it all together

# create space
G = erdos_renyi(10, 0.5)
space = GraphSpace(G)

# initialize model
model = StandardABM(NetworkVL,
                    agent_step! = VL_step!)

# add agents
for i in 1:10
  add_agent_single!(model, 0.01, 0.01, 0.4, 0.1)

5. Evolve, visualize and collect data

  • Previously, we used the step! function from Agents.jl to evolve our model
  • We also wrote our own custom functions for retrieving summary statistics
  • Graphs.jl actually contains data collection functions which make this even easier
  • The most important of these (for us) are run! and ensemblerun!

Using run! to collect data

  • run! is like step!, except it also collects the model’s state and returns it as a DataFrame
    • DataFrames are tables that are used to represent data
  • Syntax: run!(model, n; adata), where
    • n is the number of time steps we want to run the model for
    • adata is a keyword argument that specifies what data (“agent data”) is gathered
  • For reasons which are not superbly clear, run! has two return values, two DataFrames
    • We can safely ignore the second one

Using run! to collect data

  • Example: suppose we want to collect each agent’s p field (their weight for grammar \(G_1\)) at each time step, over 4000 model iterations (each agent is updated 4000 times).
  • This is achieved by:
data, _ = run!(model, 4000; adata = [:p])
  • Note the two return values; since we are not interested in the second one, we store it in the _ variable (think of this as a trash bin)
  • Also note that p is prefixed with a colon (:p) – this is crucial!
  • Also note that adata is a vector (this means you can specify more than one agent field to be collected, should you wish to do so)

Using run! to collect data

  • The variable data now contains a DataFrame with three columns: the time step, the agent’s ID, and the agent’s p:
40010×3 DataFrame
39985 rows omitted
Row time id p
Int64 Int64 Float64
1 0 1 0.01
2 0 2 0.01
3 0 3 0.01
4 0 4 0.01
5 0 5 0.01
6 0 6 0.01
7 0 7 0.01
8 0 8 0.01
9 0 9 0.01
10 0 10 0.01
11 1 1 0.0099
12 1 2 0.0099
13 1 3 0.0099
39999 3999 9 0.999996
40000 3999 10 1.0
40001 4000 1 1.0
40002 4000 2 1.0
40003 4000 3 0.999999
40004 4000 4 0.999999
40005 4000 5 1.0
40006 4000 6 1.0
40007 4000 7 1.0
40008 4000 8 1.0
40009 4000 9 0.999996
40010 4000 10 1.0

Using run! to collect data

  • We can now, for example, plot this:
using Plots
plot(data.time, data.p,
  • Here, note that:
    • columns of a data frame are selected using the dot (.)
    • we use the group keyword argument on plot so that each agent gets its own trajectory in the plot

Using run! to collect data

Collecting aggregated data

  • Often we don’t need to collect data for each agent individually
  • For example: it is often enough to know how the average, or mean, of p evolves
  • This is very easy to do with run!: all we need to do is to feed the adata keyword argument with the tuple (:p, mean) instead of plain :p
  • More generally, in place of mean, you can put any function that you want to aggregate over the agents

Collecting aggregated data

  • Example:
using Statistics

G2 = erdos_renyi(10, 0.5)
space2 = GraphSpace(G2)

model2 = StandardABM(NetworkVL, space2,
                     agent_step! = VL_step!)

for i in 1:10
  add_agent_single!(model2, 0.01, 0.01, 0.4, 0.1)

data2, _ = run!(model2, 4000; adata = [(:p, mean)])

Collecting aggregated data

  • Now the returned dataframe contains a mean_p column:
4001×2 DataFrame
3976 rows omitted
Row time mean_p
Int64 Float64
1 0 0.01
2 1 0.0099
3 2 0.009801
4 3 0.00970299
5 4 0.00960596
6 5 0.0105099
7 6 0.0104048
8 7 0.0103008
9 8 0.0101977
10 9 0.0100958
11 10 0.00999481
12 11 0.00989486
13 12 0.00979591
3990 3989 0.998819
3991 3990 0.998831
3992 3991 0.998842
3993 3992 0.998854
3994 3993 0.998865
3995 3994 0.998877
3996 3995 0.998888
3997 3996 0.998899
3998 3997 0.99891
3999 3998 0.998921
4000 3999 0.998932
4001 4000 0.998942

Collecting aggregated data

plot(data2.time, data2.mean_p)


  • Recall that the constructor of a Watts–Strogatz network, watts_strogatz(n, k, beta), takes three arguments:
    • n: number of nodes
    • k: initial degree
    • beta: rewiring probability
  • Your task: simulate VLs in a Watts–Strogatz network, exploring how/if variation in beta affects the evolution of mean p
  • Use these parameters for your learners:
    • initial value of p: 0.01
    • learning rate gamma: 0.01
    • P1: 0.2
    • P2: 0.1
  • Use these for your network(s):
    • n: 50
    • k: 8
    • beta: 0.1 versus 0.5


  • It is useful to wrap the model construction in a function:
function make_model(beta)
  G = watts_strogatz(50, 8, beta)
  space = GraphSpace(G)

  model = StandardABM(NetworkVL, space,
                      agent_step! = VL_step!)

  for i in 1:50
    add_agent_single!(model, 0.01, 0.01, 0.2, 0.1)

  return model


  • It is now easy to run both models and visualize the results:
model1 = make_model(0.1)
model2 = make_model(0.5)

data1, _ = run!(model1, 10_000; adata = [(:p, mean)])
data2, _ = run!(model2, 10_000; adata = [(:p, mean)])

plot(data1.time, data1.mean_p, label="β = 0.1")
plot!(data2.time, data2.mean_p, label="β = 0.5")


Ensemble data with ensemblerun!

  • It looks like there might be a small difference: the change is quicker with \(\beta = 0.5\) compared to \(\beta = 0.1\)
  • But is this difference real, or just a random fluke?
  • To answer this question, we need to run several repetitions of each simulation!
  • This is easiest by using the dedicated ensemblerun! function
  • It works like run! but, instead of a single model, takes a vector of models as input

Ensemble data with ensemblerun!

  • Like this:
models1 = [make_model(0.1) for i in 1:10]
models2 = [make_model(0.5) for i in 1:10]

data1, _ = ensemblerun!(models1, 10_000; adata = [(:p, mean)])
data2, _ = ensemblerun!(models2, 10_000; adata = [(:p, mean)])

Ensemble data with ensemblerun!

  • The returned data frames look like this:
100010×3 DataFrame
99985 rows omitted
Row time mean_p ensemble
Int64 Float64 Int64
1 0 0.01 1
2 1 0.0101 1
3 2 0.010199 1
4 3 0.010297 1
5 4 0.010194 1
6 5 0.0100921 1
7 6 0.00999118 1
8 7 0.00989127 1
9 8 0.00999235 1
10 9 0.00989243 1
11 10 0.00979351 1
12 11 0.00969557 1
13 12 0.00979862 1
99999 9989 0.989517 10
100000 9990 0.989622 10
100001 9991 0.989326 10
100002 9992 0.989433 10
100003 9993 0.989538 10
100004 9994 0.989643 10
100005 9995 0.989747 10
100006 9996 0.989649 10
100007 9997 0.989753 10
100008 9998 0.989855 10
100009 9999 0.989957 10
100010 10000 0.990057 10

Ensemble data with ensemblerun!

  • To plot these in a sensible way, we need to group by the ensemble column:
plot(data1.time, data1.mean_p, 
     group=data1.ensemble, color=1, label="β = 0.1")
plot!(data2.time, data2.mean_p, 
      group=data2.ensemble, color=2, label="β = 0.5")

Ensemble data with ensemblerun!

Ensemble data with ensemblerun!

  • These results suggest that there may be a difference; however, it looks to be small
  • To settle this question more conclusively, we need to:
    • Run more simulations!
    • Do some statistics on the simulation results
  • You get to practice both these things in this week’s homework